How can I get involved with YWAM Provence?
Our Schools and Training Opportunities
One of our greatest joy is to receive people who love Jesus, who hunger for God’s presence, and who like to serve!
Discipleship training school (DTS): Do you have a hunger to deepen your relationship with God? Consider joining our DTS!
Foundations For Intercultural Studies (FIS): Have you already completed a DTS and are looking for the next step into long term missions? Consider joining our next FIS!
French School: Whether or not you have completed a DTS, has God put it on your heart to learn French? Consider joining our next French School!
Our Staff and Volunteer Opportunities
As staff member or volunteer for YWAM, none of us are employed by Youth With A Mission. We live by faith, and each one is responsible for his/her financial support. This can come from your friends or your family members who wish to sponsor you, from a church or a mission organization, etc.
At Youth with A Mission Saint-Paul-Trois-Châteaux, there are many opportunities to serve as a full-time staff member, short or long term or as a volunteer.
If you want to be a staff member and you can commit for more than 6 months, you must have completed a Discipleship Training School.
But you can also come for a shorter period of time as a volunteer. This is an excellent opportunity to learn about Youth With A Mission and its values, to grow in your relationship with God while serving.
Our operation requires flexibility, as we are rarely involved in just one ministry. It is a very rich experience and a chance to learn lots of new things!
Are you interested in joining as a volunteer or staff?
Contact us to start the conversation. We'd love to hear your heart!
Contact usBelow are some of the potential opportunities for joining as a volunteer or staff. However, there are always opportunities to use your giftings that aren’t listed here. Even if none of the areas below interest you, contact us and let us know what God has put on your heart and we can help you find opportunities to serve alongside us!
- Kitchen
- Staff a DTS
- Hospitality
- Groundskeeping
- Events, camps, youth group
- Media
- Pastoral heart
Maybe you are a chef or you desire to become one and want to learn to cook.
You can imagine how this area is crucial! Our kitchen does not necessarily work throughout the whole year, but mainly during the Discipleship Training Schools and different events!
Your DTS has been a springboard for you and you have the heart to see other young people having the same experience. So join us as staff! This is the perfect place to grow in leadership and face new challenges!
At YWAM St. Paul, we love to receive people! We want to host our guests with creativity and maintain pleasant accommodations for our team members and our visitors! We want every person to feel loved and go home with an unforgettable memory of their visit to St. Paul!
Do you have a heart for taking care of God’s beautiful creation? Would you like to create and maintain open space for others to enjoy the presence of God? Do you have a desire to cultivate the ground, raising fruits and vegetables to share with others? Come and join us at YWAM Provence! We have a heart for using the land that God has given us in the ministry of hospitality.
Training is part of our vision! It is a means by which we bless those around us! The possibilities of organizing mini-training programs or seminars are endless!
You will be able to express your creativity through designing promotional videos and fliers, updating the website, Facebook page and newsletters.
It is so easy to get trapped by activity! We need one or two people who have a heart to encourage their team members, to take a few steps with them, to have a sympathetic ear and help them develop their potential and making sure that we cultivate life in our team.