Learn. Live. Love. French


Come spend 3 months at YWAM Provence to improve your French and to serve God in a French-speaking region!

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You are invited to 1 month of classes, followed by 2 months of immersion.

This school is not just a language school, it’s a YWAM school and an internship! Come prepared for times of worship, intercession, small group sharing and life in community. Take advantage of this opportunity to capture the Father’s heart for the nations – specifically North Africa and the Muslim world – all while learning French.

Part 1 – French classes

The first month of the program includes 2 hours of course time per day, based on your language level. The classes are given by native French speakers, using a variety of creative methods. In addition to the classes, there are small discussion groups, personal study times, French film evenings, and practical work in teams while speaking French. Along with this you will be given the opportunity to visit several French families.

Part 2 – French Immersion 

During the final 2 months of the course, you will be involved in different projects which provide an immersion experience in the language. As part of this, you will be connecting with different associations in our beautiful village of Saint-Paul-Trois-Châteaux and its surrounds. Here, according to your gifts and talents, you will be serving in practical ways with French speakers. You will also be given the opportunity to connect with a local church or home group and to integrate more personally with a French family.

Who is the French School for?

We recommend the French School to anyone who desires to learn French and is in agreement with the fundamental values of YWAM. We especially recommend it for anyone who is preparing to serve in missions in a French speaking country or wants to explore the possibility of doing missions in the French speaking world.

Are there any prerequisites for joining this school?

No! We welcome students with all levels of French. Though it is a YWAM School, you do not need to have completed a DTS to join the French School (though we highly recommend doing one!). If you have a desire to learn French and are in agreement with the fundament values of YWAM, we welcome you to apply!

Essential Information

Date :
The next French School will be April 7, 2025 to June 27, 2025

Price : 2300€
Price includes training, meals, and lodging

Community life:
This school will be lived in community. The meals will be shared together and each person will share in the daily life of the center (cleaning, preparing meals, etc)

How to make a payment:
Payment information is available on our donate page below as well as in the student manual you receive before the school starts

How to apply

You can start the application process by filling in the short form linked below

Apply now

Have any questions?

If you have any questions regarding the French School, please do not hesitate to ask. We are happy to answer any questions you may have.

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